Mayor debate
April 25, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm -
MILFORD DE – The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford (CCGM) is pleased to announce they will hold three debates among candidates for the City of Milford Council. Debates are planned as follows:
Wards 1 and 2 – April 18 – 6 to 8 PM – Milford High School Auditorium
Mike Boyle, Madula Kalesis, Lori Connor and Nadia Zychal
Wards 3 and 4 – April 23 – 6 to 8 PM – Milford High School Auditorium
Danny Perez, Michael Stewart, Katrina Wilson, Phillip Ruiz
Mayor – April 25 – 7 to 9 PM – Milford High School Auditorium
Archie Campbell and Todd Culotta
“This will be a standard debate format with a moderator and the same questions asked of all candidates,” Pat Abel, President of CCGM said. “Terry Rogers, who has covered Milford City Council for Milford Live, will moderate the debates. Questions will consist of issues facing Milford only and will not pertain to state or national politics. We also hope to offer a virtual option for those who cannot attend in person.”
The City of Milford council election will be held Saturday, April 27. Registered voters may cast their ballots at the Public Works office located at 180 Vickers Drive in Milford between the hours of 10 AM and 6 PM. All individuals registered to vote with the State of Delaware by March 28, 2024, and reside at an address within the City of Milford are eligible to vote in the election.
Residents that are not registered must contact the Department of Elections Sussex County Office at 302-856-5367 or may register at https://ivote.de.gov. Qualified non-resident property owners must be registered at City Hall by March 28, 2024. To learn if you are a qualified non-resident, contact the City Clerk at 302-422-1111, Ext 1142 or 1303.
ABOUT CCGM: The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford serves as a voice for the business community while advocating for the retention and expansion of local jobs and business growth to make the greater Milford area a great place to live, work and play.
Jo Schmeiser, Executive Director